"Oh, that's why you sit in the lunchroom by yourself." I said.
"Nah, I'm mostly in there, with her when she isn't sick or anything." Bexley said as she pulled me into the line and I got an apple and water. "That is such a twilight move," She said as she looked at my food choice.
"Oh, now you think about it, that's funny," I said as I looked down at the choices in my hands, so I grabbed fries. "Now, it's a Bandit Move." I said.
"That's actually a cool name for that," She said as she looked at my food, "But fries really?" She asked.
"Are you judging me?" I asked as I looked at her.
"Well, someone has to." She said as she smiled at me, smugly.
"Not you, anyone but you." I said.
"Like Theo?" She asked.
I did a double take, "What about Theo." I said as I looked at her.
"You wouldn't mind Theo judging you, would you?" Bexley said as she looked at me smugly. My cheeks started flaming and I don't know what just happened.
"I-I-" Before I could say anything she just put her hand on my shoulder giving me that look like shut up. She then moved her eyes towards something behind me and I turned and saw that the whole table of the cafe where I stand were turned in my direction and Theo standing behind me.
"Oops." Bexley said, as Theo looked smugly at me.
"Well, My Bandit move's are coming in rebound." I said as I stepped out of line to get the red ketchup packet, and then tore it apart, turning around to Theo before he could do anything as much as tell me no, I squirted him on the face then got it on his shirt.
A white shirt.
You better believe I took off after that.
Bandit moves to a new town, you being the new girl and everything takes a lot of good tolls on certain people, well Bandit moved to a town she didn't know existed.
Especially with Werewolves in it. And being mated to one.
Oh, and being the Alpha's Goddess just got a hundred times better with her not knowing about this species. Stay tuned and read on!!
The white fox will destroy the werewolf world. It's a legend that every wolf knows. We never hunt white foxes for fear it will be the one in the legend. If a white fox burrows in your territory, it's a sign of bad luck. We all run from white foxes. We were told as pups that if we were bad, the white fox would come to our pack, and the next day, our pack would have never existed. There are laws from the elders that if we find the white fox (not that anyone wants to or will), we were to hand it over immediately. We were not to engage in conversation with it or interact with it at all. So we never expected her to come so peacefully...
| "What do you want from me?" I exclaimed. He stopped walking and laughed.
"You stupid fuck. I want you to stop fighting me. I want you to shut up and do what I say." He grabbed me again. My muscles tensed and I tasted blood in my mouth. My pupils were dilated.
He dragged me to the kitchen again and grabbed my cup that was still on the table. "Drink. It."
I grabbed the glass and took a sip. His nose crinkled. "No. Down it. Drink the whole thing."
I down it and coughed again. It was so bitter and I recoiled. My head spun and I felt like I was going to throw up. I held my head and closed my eyes. The world spun so much faster when I closed my eyes.
He held me under my chin. "Listen. You pissed off a powerful man while you were gone. He wants you and I'm not giving you without a price. So next week, after the paperwork is filled out, you're gonna be good. Or I'll lower that price. Do you understand?"
I nodded my head as best I could but it made me even dizzier. He let go of my chin and I felt myself falling. "Now you haven't drank that much. Don't tell me you're out for the count. I haven't even gotten started with you."
he grabbed a bottle of beer and handed it to me. I almost dropped it but managed to grab the bottle by the neck right before it left my hand.
Word count: 64,974