A 14-year-old girl with tomboyish features entered Ouran high school as a first year. Her name is Yukiri Fujioka, Haruhi Fujioka's younger sister, a student who was intelligent and was praised with her singing skills and playing her violin. With her sister's debt with the host club, she was to meet the boys and was to join them to help pay off her sister's debt. But, with her tomboyish features and attitude, no matter if she was to have long hair or a c-size chest, she was identified as a "dude" within the club for a long period of time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What would the host club's members' reactions be when they found out that "he" was actually a "she"? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Will you join her in her journey and help her make friends and find "the one" or "the ones"?
4 parts