This story follows Maia Lockhart, a young woman struggling with her own dark, fractured memories as she investigates the disappearances of people in the seemingly quiet town of Hillstone. As Maia delves deeper, she uncovers a chilling truth: a mysterious man has been stalking the town for years, and the disappearances are connected to her own past. Maia begins to remember that she was once a victim, but survived because the killer forced her to drink a memory-erasing drug, "Amnexol", designed to wipe her trauma-and the killer's identity-from her mind. Now, her past is unraveling, and her quest for answers brings her closer to the danger she narrowly escaped. With the help of Levi Greystone, a reserved but deeply compassionate journalist with his own scars, Maia begins to connect the dots, facing not only a growing threat but also the truths about her past, her family, and the town's darkest secrets.
28 parts