In this heartfelt tale, we follow the journey of Lakshmi, a bright young woman whose life takes unexpected turns after crossing paths with Arjun, a calm and mysterious professor. Their story unfolds with love, personal growth, and moments of tender vulnerability, as both face the challenges of balancing their relationship with the pressures of family and societal expectations.
As they build a life together, Lakshmi's strength and resilience shine, while Arjun's quiet, unwavering love grows deeper. But just when things seem to fall into place, unforeseen events stir their world again, threatening to shake the foundation of the life they've created.
What tests will their bond face next? Will their love withstand the storm, or will the past pull them into a future they didn't foresee? This story explores the beauty of love and the fragility of life, leaving readers eager to uncover the mysteries that await.
"Why are you looking nervous?" Rajiv asked her.
"Nothing", Leena replied.
"Then why are you moving away from me?" he asked as she matched his steps and walked backward whenever he took a step towards her.
"Nothing", she said and came to a halt with the wall behind her. She was trapped between the wall, the counter, and him.
He came close to her with his eyes fixed on her full lips. He took her chin in his hand and gently ran a thumb over her moist lips.
"Are you afraid of me? Why? I am your husband", he said to her.
"Rajiv...", she mumbled as his hand slid down to her waist.
"Don't you love me?" he asked her as he pulled her in.
"I love you..." she whispered as he kissed her neck.
Rajiv and Leena see their happy home life crumble around them from an incident well beyond their control. They separate for 15 years and meet again when their three children, Ravi, Abhi and Kiran have grown up. With their undying love and devotion towards each other, how will Rajiv and Leena fight against all odds and try to bring their family back together and rekindle their feelings and passion for each other.