*Genre:* Romance, Drama *Plot:* "Love Beyond Feud" is a heartwarming romance set in Jhansi, India. The story revolves around Ananya Sharma and Dev Mehra, two young professionals from feuding families. Their families' century-old animosity is rooted in a tragic event, but Ananya and Dev dare to defy the past. As they navigate love, secrets, and family expectations, they must confront the bitter truth and choose between loyalty and love. Will their relationship become the key to healing the rift between their families? *Themes:* - Forbidden love - Family feuds - Redemption - Self-discovery - Cultural heritage - Social change *Tone:* - Emotional - Heartwarming - Inspirational - Romantic *Target Audience:* - Romance readers - Fans of Indian literature and culture - Anyone interested in stories about overcoming adversity and finding love