"Of Friendship and Debt" is a poignant and gripping tale of loyalty, redemption, and the true cost of friendship. On the unforgiving streets, survival is a debt that must be paid. Mao and Noni, two homeless youths, forge an unlikely bond amidst the chaos. But their friendship is rooted in a complicated past, where debts of gratitude and guilt entwine like a noose.
Their lives are marked by scarcity, violence, and exploitation. Yet, in each other, they find a sense of belonging and purpose. When a chance encounter saves Mao from a deadly fate, Noni sees an opportunity to settle the score.
The journey of Xavier and Eleanor, two childhood friends whose bond blossoms into a deep and enduring love. Xavier's unwavering affection for Eleanor leads him on a quest to win her heart despite her initial hesitations and uncertainties. Through heartfelt gestures and steadfast devotion, Xavier gradually breaks down the walls surrounding Eleanor's heart, and their love flourishes against the backdrop of a picturesque village. As they navigate life's challenges together, Xavier and Eleanor discover the true meaning of love and partnership, culminating in the joyous arrival of their children. Their story is a testament to the power of love, perseverance, and the belief that true love conquers all.