In a region far from Kanto and Johto, lies the uncharted Isoria Region an ancient land of mystical forests, towering mountains and forgotten legends
Piper, a young and determined trainer from a small seaside village, has always felt a deep connection to Pokémon, especially those often misunderstood or abandoned
When mysterious natural disasters start plaguing the Isoria Region, Piper learns that these events are tied to a centuries-old legend about a mythical Pokémon said to bring balance to the world
Armed with her compassion and an unshakable resolve, Piper embarks on an epic journey to uncover the truth behind the legend, meet fascinating Pokémon partners and stand against a secret organization seeking to exploit the legendary creature's power for their own dark agenda
Along the way, Piper faces tough battles, makes lifelong friends, and discovers the true meaning of harmony between humans and Pokémon
But time is running out-will Piper be able to restore balance before it's too late?
I had recently finished watching Arcane and in Episode 7 I enjoyed watching the fight between Ekko and Jinx, it was a little bit sad to see two childhood friends fight. And I absolutely love their relationship, so now I'm doing one shots.