Plot: (Takes place during Disney Mulan 2 2004.) When Mulan discovers Mushu's plans when he confesses out of guilt and tries to reconcile with Shang after voicing her disappointment with Mushu and how she'll never forgive him for his actions such as Mushu trying to get between her and Shang so he can keep his job as a guardian and making the carriage fall into the river. Now, overwhelmed with guilt, Mushu abandons The Fa Family and soon after, he meets the sweet and awkward 16-year-old Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken, is desperate to fit in at school, but she mostly just feels invisible. She's prevented from hanging out with the cool kids at the beach because her over-protective mom forbids her from getting in the water. When she breaks her mom's rule, Ruby discovers that she is a descendant of the warrior Kraken queens and is destined to inherit the throne from her grandmother. The Kraken are sworn to protect the world's oceans against vain, power-hungry mermaids. Main love: Mushu/Kai Jin x Ruby Gillman & Chelsea Van Der Zee.