In a world where justice and friendship supreme, Dayanand Shetty, the charming and sophisticated CID officer, finds his heart stolen in an unexpected moment. Despite his adoration from countless female admirers and a life dedicated to serving the public alongside his closest friends Abhijeet and Tarika, Daya believes there is no room for love in his life. However, a single glimpse of Shreya Gupta-a modern, witty, and resilient woman with a tragic past-changes everything.
Shreya, having suffered the heartbreaking loss of her family and the betrayal of a former lover, has steeled herself against love, focusing instead on living life to the fullest with Puchki, and her supportive cousin Abhijeet.
Shreya's struggles and attempts to heal resonate deeply with those around her, especially with Abhijeet, who is fiercely protective of her. As Daya navigates his growing feelings and the complexities of Shreya's past, the dynamics of friendship, love, and heartache unfold in this heartfelt narrative that combines elements of comedy, camaraderie, and exploration of the hearts.
"Don't touch me" He said through gritted teeth, "I don't know what I'll do if you touch me"
My heart dropped.
"I don't want to see you like this" I frowned and hesitantly tried to touch his shoulder, but he grabbed my hand tightly but gently.
"Fuck it" He murmured as he held my jaw and pressed his lips on mine.
(The guy is 22 and the girl is 17 a few months away from 18. If you're bothered by that please don't read it.)