In the heart of a technologically advanced metropolis, where emotions are traded like currency, a hidden underworld thrives. Here, the most valuable commodity is not gold or jewels, but the raw, authentic feelings that make us human. This is a world where hearts are broken, emotions are stolen, and the very essence of what it means to be human is at stake. In this landscape, we meet Mira Solis, a skilled Emotion Broker who has walled off her own emotions to protect herself from pain. However, her carefully constructed world is turned upside down when a mysterious emotion thief, Aeron Vale, enters her studio seeking the one thing she never sells: love. "Fragments of Stardust" is not merely a romance, but a journey into the heart of humanity. It examines the price of love in a world where it is traded like any other commodity and explores the complexities of emotional vulnerability in a society that seeks to suppress it. This story is a testament tohe enduring power of love, the resilience of the human spirit, and the importance of embracing our emotions, even in a world that seeks to deny them