In a post-apocalyptic Earth, anthropomorphic animals have inherited a world where humanity is but a memory. The story follows Nora, a young white wolf, and her newborn pup, Midnight, who find refuge in a village of deer after their pack is destroyed by an unknown enemy. Despite the inherent mistrust between predator and prey, the villagers, led by their Elder Willow, allow them to stay under the protection of Thistle, a grieving buck, who recently loss his family. As Nora heals from her injuries and they integrate into the community, she and Thistle form an unexpected bond. However, the peace is short-lived as the villagers face a new threat that challenges the fragile balance of their coexistence.
ABHIMANYU RATHORE :- Rude , workaholic CEO of Rathore Empire .Devilesing hot , every girls drools over him .But loves his family to dearest
SAKSHI OBEROI :- Sweet but fierce girl . Loves her family very much can do anything for them . Working in her brother's company as managing head and also a board member
What happens when their marriage get fixed by their families .. will they get love in this unwilling arranged marriage...