Breaking the Silence follows the harrowing journey of 15-year-old Emma Johnson, who is forcibly sent to Harmony Hills, a remote residential treatment center in the Utah desert. Dealing with a difficult relationship with her parents and struggling with emotional turmoil, Emma never imagined their solution would be to send her to an isolated, prison-like facility.
Upon arrival, Emma quickly learns that Harmony Hills is anything but a place of healing. Stripped of her personal belongings, forced to wear cheap scrubs, and subjected to dehumanizing searches, Emma realizes this is not just about rehabilitation-it's about control. The staff, led by the cold and rigid Ms. Carson, enforce strict rules and punishment in the name of "treatment," but Emma senses something far more sinister lurking beneath the surface.
As she navigates the suffocating rules, Emma begins to uncover the dark secrets of Harmony Hills. Strange disappearances, eerie whispers in the halls, and the unsettling behavior of the other residents lead Emma to believe that something far worse is happening within the walls of the treatment center.
Determined to survive and escape, Emma must unravel the mystery of Harmony Hills while holding onto her sense of self. But the further she digs, the more dangerous her situation becomes. In a place designed to break her spirit, Emma must summon every ounce of strength to resist the system, expose the truth, and find her way back to freedom-before it's too late.
Breaking the Silence is a psychological horror story about survival, resilience, and the lengths one must go to escape the darkness within and around them.
Contains darker themes of abuse, mental health, and violence.
In the year 3062, every child is given a job the day that they're born that they must carry out from the age of fourteen until the end of their lives. Emma Wolfe, a fifteen year old girl from Arkansas, is one of only twenty people chosen to be writers in the entire country. The only problem? Emma hates writing.
I shoot up, dropping my pizza back into the box. "Why does nobody listen when I tell them I can't! I'm not who you think I am, and I never will be." I try to storm away, steam practically shooting out of my ears.
"Where are you going?" Black calls after me. I don't reply. "How are you supposed to get home without the car?"
I stop short, every muscle in my body tightening. Slowly, I turn back around, my hands balled tightly into fists. "If you say one more thing about my writing while I'm here, I swear to god I'll run away."
"Test it out," I walk right up to her, getting so close that I can feel her tense breath on my face. "I dare you."
Black isn't stupid, and neither am I.