I sit in the quite room. The stiff sheets on my bed making it hard to sleep, plus the pounding rain on the leaky roof. All of my sisters and brothers are asleep. If only I could creep down the stairs to get a cup of warm milk , but the stairs would creak and crack and wake my mom and dad or brothers and sisters. BOOM! A thunder bolt loudly snaps out of no where and is quickly followed by lightning. Shaking the whole house. I am to tired and restless to fall asleep, so I get up and tip toe to my note book on my nightstand. I grab my pen and jot down " BOOM & CLAP , THE THUNDER LOVES THE LIGHTING , FLASH & LIGHT , THE LONG RESTLESS NIGHT ONLY SHALL START WITH THE MOST PERFECT OF STORMS". As I carefully place my pen in the spine of the book and replace were the book was I hear ," hello" in a hushed tone , I look around , because as it was as if the storm had stopped for this hushed voice . As a matter of fact, the rain , it stopped. I sit and ponder , no lightning, no thunder .