A story where Kylie H. Cantrall lost her father at only 13 years old and since then her life turned upside down, her mother began to ignore her and lost the only friends she had. Until one day, her mother assigns her to protect Malia C.
Baker, the perfect little daughter of her mother's best friend.
Malia had been suffering for some time with a series of threats, however she decided not to tell at first since she thought it was just another child's play. A week later after another threat, Malia found herself obliged to tell her parents and after hours of conversation, a temporary solution emerged: Kylie would protect her, thinking that after they saw that Malia would be being protected the "children" would finally end. However, the girls do not stop, in fact, everything got worse. What used to be just small notes left in her backpack, became letters under her own crossbar and Malia's photos in extremely intimate moments, the two decided to investigate on their own, and end up discovering what they should never have and maybe they would discover that their whole life was nothing more than a lie.
In the middle of all this, a little love arose, somewhat unexpected but totally true.
I don't remember the original creator
Malia is coming back from summer break, expecting the same old stuff. But after she see's Kylie again for the first time in months... everything changes.