"Winds of Deception" is a gripping historical romance set against the Elizabethan court during the Babington Plot - a real-life conspiracy to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I and replace her with the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots. At the heart of this tale is the extraordinary partnership between Katherine Ashley, a young and ambitious lady-in-waiting to the Queen, and Captain Tristian Beaumont, a decorated naval officer turned secret agent for Sir Francis Walsingham.
When Katherine, known to history as "Kat Ashley," begins noticing suspicious activity among certain Catholic nobles, she discreetly shares her concerns with the enigmatic Captain Beaumont. Tristian, impressed by Katherine's keen political instincts, is drawn into a dangerous dance of gathering intelligence and unraveling the growing conspiracy. As the two are forced to collaborate, an undeniable attraction blossoms between the principled Protestant Katherine and the widowed naval commander.
Navigating the treacherous court, Katherine and Tristian must balance their burgeoning feelings with unwavering loyalty to Queen Elizabeth. Their partnership proves invaluable as they piece together the Babington Plot's sinister details, involving Babington and the imprisoned Mary, Queen of Scots.
Kallia Herman didn't know what she sign up for when she take the intern job at a prestigious company.
The first encounter with her boss pull her into a world she didn't know existed and there was no way out of it.