Rudra Rathod is a 41 year old man peacefully living his life along with his two younger siblings, Ansh Rathod, the middle child and Krutika Rathod, the youngest child. Rudra has taken care of these two for the longest these two could remember, so basically since their parents had died. These three loved each other a lot...even though many times it might not seem that way considering the way that they fight with each other, they truly adore each other more than words could ever express. Now, there are Six Mafia clans that rule over not only India, but the whole entire world. Though, the thing is, Rudra absolutely despises Mafias and gangsters. Their mere mention makes him angry, annoyed and absolutely disgusted. Now, here is the thing, Ansh is hiding a dangerous secret from his dear older brother. Ansh is actually the right hand man of one of the Six Mafia clan's leaders basically, he is a Mafia himself! One fateful night, Rudra comes across a young man almost half his age, injured and in desperate need of some sort of medical attention. Rudra assumes that he offended some of the lower gangsters of one of the clans and got beaten up which happens quite often to a lot of people his age. He somehow gets the ice cold man-child at his house and patches him up. Only after a few days did he find out that the kid wasn't some loser man who got beaten up by some lowly gangsters but is actually the LEADER of the most dangerous clan of those six clans also making him the youngest leader in the history of the Six Clans. Follow Rudra's journey into accepting two of the most stubborn and most dangerous Mafia men in his life, one of them being his own baby brother!? Will Rudra be able to deal with everything while having the scrolls of his own past unroll?
Meanwhile, Ansh bumps into a man that he somewhat remembered from high-school, the epitome of perfection and strict law abiding student. While helping him experience the thrill of life, will something else blossom between them?