The story follows Aryan, a 13-year-old boy who moves to the village of Rakshpuram after a tragic car accident that claims the lives of his parents. Struggling with grief and the absence of his family, he arrives at his grandmother Dadi Bai's old, dusty house, where he feels lost and alone.
As he begins to settle in, Aryan hears strange sounds at night, including a mysterious giggle and discovers clumps of hair outside the house, adding to his unease. One day, he stumbles upon a hidden path in the forest that leads to an ancient well, which seems to hold a deeper connection to his past.
After a dream in which he encounters a mysterious girl who urges him to choose his path wisely, Aryan returns to the well and confronts his grief. He releases his pain and forgives himself and his parents, feeling a wave of love and acceptance wash over him.
Over time, he finds healing and connection within the village, forming new friendships and embracing the memories of his parents. Aryan learns to see the forest not as a source of fear but as a place of magic and stories. By the end of the story, he emerges transformed, ready to face the future while carrying the love of his parents in his heart, knowing they will always be with him.
-Warning mentions of gore, s*icide, Jimmy, and some spoilers to the game if u haven't played or watch videos about the game and if you don't want any spoilers I suggest to play the game first before reading
these oneshots are not canon to the game just fanfiction 👁
image belongs to the title of the game and owner of the game💊