⚠️ ADULT STORY - Magical Realism In the quiet, lantern-lit streets of Matsushima, Sharva stumbles upon a small ramen shop hidden between towering buildings. Hungry and desperate for warmth, he steps inside-only to be captivated by Aika, the enigmatic chef with eyes that hold stories of the past and a touch that ignites his soul. As he loses himself in the delicate aromas of her cooking, an unexpected connection begins to simmer between them. But beneath the surface, there's something deeper-an ancient, forgotten bond that pulls them together in ways neither can explain. In this blend of romance and magical realism, Beneath the Ashes unravels a love story that is as intoxicating and dangerous as the secrets that lurk in the shadows. Will Sharva and Aika succumb to the pull of fate, or will their pasts tear them apart before they even have a chance to begin? Prepare to be swept away by a tale where desire and destiny collide, and where every glance, every touch, could change everything. 24 Oct 24