Heart Over Heels is a charming and witty romantic comedy that follows Emma, a talented but underappreciated writer who's stuck in a creative rut. At her high school reunion, she unexpectedly crosses paths with Max, her long-forgotten high school crush, now a successful and confident businessman. What starts as a nostalgic reconnection quickly evolves into an electric friendship filled with undeniable chemistry.
Drawn together by chance and their shared memories, Max encourages Emma to pursue her dreams, reigniting her passion for storytelling. When an opportunity arises to work closer to Max, Emma takes a leap of faith and becomes his assistant, immersing herself in his fast-paced world. But navigating a professional relationship with someone she's hopelessly falling for isn't as easy as Emma imagined-especially when Max starts showing signs that he might feel the same way.
The sparks truly fly when Emma impulsively bids on Max during a charity auction, thrusting their playful dynamic into uncharted territory. As they spend more time together, Emma begins to see Max not just as her high school crush but as someone who understands and values her for who she is now. Meanwhile, Max is equally drawn to Emma's quirky humor, resilience, and unshakable kindness.
However, their growing romance faces challenges: office gossip, personal insecurities, and Emma must decide whether risking her career and her heart for love is worth it, while Max grapples with the idea of opening himself up to the vulnerability of real love.
Filled with laugh-out-loud moments, heartfelt confessions, and the intoxicating thrill of second chances, Heart Over Heels is a celebration of love, ambition, and the beauty of taking risks. It's a story about rediscovering yourself, finding love when you least expect it, and realizing that sometimes, falling head over heels is the only way to truly live.
Thank you 😊 happy reading
Plz ignore my mistakes as English is not my native language.