"Rebirth of the Forsaken Hero" follows Darius, a once-powerful warrior who perished on the battlefield, only to be reincarnated in a world that knows nothing of his past. Retaining all his memories and the unique body magic that made him a fearsome fighter, Darius is born into a peaceful life, far from the chaos of his former existence. Determined to escape the violence that once defined him, he yearns for a normal life, but his world has other plans. In a land where magic awakens only after childhood, Darius is a prodigy, secretly mastering his abilities from a young age. But when tragedy strikes and his beloved mother is killed by a monstrous foe, Darius is forced to embrace his magic once again, unlocking powers unseen in this new world. As he embarks on a journey of revenge and discovery, he becomes both a rising hero and a feared figure. With no mentor to guide him, Darius joins the Adventurers' Guild, seeking to hone his skills and gather the strength needed to face an overwhelming enemy. Along the way, he battles monsters, uncovers forgotten secrets, and begins to unravel the mystery of his reincarnation. As his fame-and fear-grow across the kingdom, Darius finds himself torn between the desire for peace and the destiny that calls him to fight once more.
60 parts