Izuku Chaos, formerly Yagi was kind, sweet and happy Boy who wanted to be a Hero like AllMight with his siblings Izumi Yagi and Izuna Yagi. But at age of 4 was diagnosed Quirkless by the Doctor and after that his life took a Drastic turn. He was ignored and Neglected by his Mother and was Abused by his Younger Sister with her friends.
In school his life wasn't any better, Teachers specifically made sure Izuku's life will be hell, while other kids also Bullied him.
Only people who cared about Izuku, were his Father AllMight, His brother Izuna, His Grandparents Gran Torino and Recovery Girl, His Childhood friend Shoko Todoroki, His Uncle and Aunt Figures, but that wasn't enough to keep Izuku safe.
One day when Izuku was 8 Years old his Abusers and Bullies as a Prank made him to eat a Strange finger, unaware what would happen and after that Izuku run away and jumped from the Building and took suicide.
After that Izuku got possessed by Two other entities, before he died. When Izuku woke up, he found himself in his Mindscape which was Changed and was full of Skulls and Blood Hill, where he met 3 people. One was a Woman in White Kimono and Tattoos, other two were Hedgehogs One Dark Blue and One Yellow.
They revealed themselves as Sukuna, Exetior and Fleetway and they appeared for various of reasons for Sukuna it was because Izuku was fed one of her fingers, while Exterior and Fleetway possessed him in Izuku's dying moments and All three of them offered Izuku a Deal to make him strong, as Exetior and Fleetway wanted to help the kid, while Sukuna finds him Interesting.
After accepting that Izuku did a Massacre of Not so Innocent Aldera Students and left a Message for HPSC and Everyone telling them that he will change the society and hunt down Every Villain and Corrupt Hero.
Years Later Izuku got invitation to Unity Academy.
Well, shall we see what will Our Anti-Hero Face and how many Hearts of Woman he will capture?
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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