In the small town of New Jersey, a catastrophic event leads to the collapse of the aging Middleton High. As the dust settles, three unlikely friends-Harmony, Ariana, and Wes-receive life-changing news: they've been awarded scholarships to Gladstone Prep, a prestigious school known for its affluent, privileged students. Each coming from a working-class background, the trio is determined to prove that they belong in this new world despite their differences.
The story begins with the trio navigating the chaos following their old school's destruction. Harmony, a steady and calm presence, rallies her friends to push for the scholarship, arguing that education is their key to a better future. Ariana, the goal-oriented overachiever driven by her desire to make her family proud, sees Gladstone as a launchpad for her academic ambitions. Wes, the comedic relief, balances their seriousness with humor, handling the transition with an easygoing attitude. Despite their excitement, they are acutely aware of the challenges ahead.
Upon arriving at Gladstone Prep, they're confronted by the stark contrast to their old school-luxurious facilities, posh uniforms, and an air of entitlement among the students. They explore the campus, experiencing the culture shock firsthand as they encounter the likes of Charlotte finch , a rich popular girl who sees their scholarship as a threat to her social standing, and her boyfriend Rodney, a wealthy jerky student and his job to make the scholarship students feel the pain.
Alexander Vintalli is one of the most ruthless mafias of America. His name is feared all over America. The way people fear him and the way he has his empire spread all over makes him ruthless. He is know to be heartless monster famous for his ways of torture.
Blue Andrews is a simple bartender in. She is really beautiful. She is a bartender at night and a store-worker by day. She works hard to earn and to survive.
What happens when she crosses path with this monster. Everything about him screams danger to her and so she tries to run but he has no intentions of letting her go. Not now. Not Ever.
He wants Blue for himself. Because after all these years he might have a heart which has started beating for her. But he knows he is not good enough for her.... But then Blue also falls for him and toghether they face their biggest enemies. Their past Demons.
Beautiful cover by @Acaciairis
Copyright 2016. Everything in this book belongs to me.