In the bustling city of Rivertown, a series of gruesome murders have baffled the local authorities. The victims, seemingly unrelated, are discovered with cryptic symbols carved into their skin, and the precision of the wounds points to someone with medical expertise. With the media fueling fear, the police form an elite task force, calling upon the help of two experts in their fields: Nikhil and Ananya.
Nikhil Kapoor, a brilliant forensic surgeon, is the calm in the eye of the storm. He is meticulous, intelligent, and slightly introverted. Having spent most of his life dissecting the dead, he's learned to mask his emotions. But hidden beneath his quiet exterior is a deep secret-his love for Ananya Mehra, the cyber expert brought in to crack the digital footprint of the killer. Her intellect, quick wit, and beauty have captivated Nikhil from the moment they met, but his fear of rejection has kept his feelings buried.
Ananya is sharp, confident, and never one to back down from a challenge. Known for her expertise in hacking into the darkest corners of the internet, she's been tasked with unmasking the mysterious online identity of the killer, who has been taunting the police with cryptic messages and dark web posts.
As the two work together, their professional relationship starts to blur, with moments of tension and chemistry between them. Nikhil's protective instincts kick in when the killer starts targeting people close to them.
Ahana!!! " she shouted seeing her friend taking her own life infront of her eyes , everything became numb around her
"The bride is changed" everyone gasped looking at varnika in the place of ahana
"Why you did it varnika? I thought you were my bestfriend" ahana shouted crying while varnika didnt had any reaction on her face nor had any word in her mouths
"I love you advet" she cried but he didn't care , he leave her broken
" Who are you ? There something that's still hidden. what is it ? We have met before right" she aksed from him but he didn't replied
"I love you varnika !" "But I don't" she replied with no emotion "
"I wasn't the one who was behind it !" Advet whispered in drunken voice
"Then who is the murderer?" Varnika asked from herself"