This story follows a young person's journey of discovery sparked by an unexpected encounter with a Korean song called "Wildflower." Initially, they're indifferent to Korean music due to stereotypes but are gradually drawn to the song's haunting beauty, especially captivated by singer Youjeen's voice. A single night on a mountain peak with family and friends becomes a turning point, where the song's lyrics and the surroundings trigger a vivid vision: fireworks light up the sky, and a withered tree miraculously blooms with pink flowers. This image symbolizes the narrator's internal transformation, as they realize that music can revive the dormant, hidden parts of one's soul.
Fascinated by the song's impact, the narrator dives into learning Korean, hoping to connect deeper with its meaning and even dreams of one day visiting Korea and meeting the singer. Through this experience, they start to embrace self-discovery, finding freedom and hope. Writing down their feelings, they attempt to convey the magic and peace they felt that night, realizing that "Wildflower" has become more than music-it's a lifelong symbol of growth, imagination, and the beauty of change.
Ace Hernandez, the Mafia King, known as the Devil.
Sofia Diaz, known as an angel.
The two are arranged to be married, forced by their fathers, joining the two Mafia's.
But Sofia eventually learns, even the devil was once an angel.
Cover by @alluringathena
*This book is more of a romance book than Mafia book and I hope you enjoyyy*