Kanae, a quiet and resilient girl, has spent years enduring abuse from her father. One day, Pro Hero Hawks, known for his speed and charm, saves her from a violent confrontation. Though their worlds are vastly different, they share a painful bond-Hawks, whose real name is Keigo, was also abused by his father as a child. Recognizing the same fear in Kanae's eyes, he feels drawn to her.
As they spend time together, their shared trauma deepens their connection. Kanae finds strength in Hawks' presence, while he, often hiding behind a carefree persona, opens up to her in ways he never has before. Despite the challenges of their different lives and Kanae's feelings of unworthiness, they slowly fall in love. Hawks helps Kanae heal, and in turn, she becomes his anchor, showing him that even heroes need someone to lean on.
Together, they find solace and healing in their love, overcoming the shadows of their pasts and building a future where they are no longer defined by the pain they once endured.
It was my summer vacation before my third year at UA high. I hadn't planned for anything overwhelmingly interesting to happen, but, when you decide on a whim to practice with your quirk super late out of boredom.. Well, I guess one doesn't plan these things. Who knew the Pro Hero Hawks would be the one to not only make an unexpected appearance but stay to chit chat after my rookie goof. On top of that, I didn't expect his nightly visits to become regular either. Hawks x OC
This story ROUGHLY follows the anime. Timelines and other things are changed around for my own plot purposes.