The bright days of October had started. A young girl was born into a beautiful family. Her parents were very happy to hold her hands and were mesmerized when they saw her. They young girl started growing and she had a lot of dreams. But she was very bad at her studies. She used to try hard but never succeed. She passed her school days, but her school days were very bad because she was bullied by her mates. The girl never felt like going to school, but she had to because her parents forced her. After her schooling ended, she never looked back at school days. She never met her friends because she thought that they will make fun of her. The girl always wanted to do something in her life but because of her school days she never had a confidence, she always thought she is not capable of doing anything. She wanted to acheive her goals and dreams but it was difficult for her to get out of the shell. But one day her mother forced her to take part in a writing competition and that changed her life. That competition helped her to overcome her fear. She started writing more and also started meeting new people and faced the crowd. She started writing to express herself which also helped her in knowing herself better and, in the end, she became a great writer.All Rights Reserved