In the picturesque village of Timington, life revolves around the majestic elder oak tree, whose chimes signal the start of each day. The villagers embrace time with routine and communal activities, creating a harmonious atmosphere filled with laughter and warmth. Amidst this structure is Elara, a spirited young woman whose creativity and whimsical nature make her a beloved yet misunderstood figure. Struggling with punctuality and often lost in her daydreams, Elara feels increasingly isolated from village life. Her world shifts when rumors of the mysterious clockmaker Alden reach her ears, sparking hope for a solution to her time management woes. Inspired, Elara sets off on a journey through the vibrant village, eager to discover how to master time and, in doing so, carve her own path within the rhythms of Timington. This chapter introduces Elara's character, the enchanting setting, and the central themes of self-discovery and the nature of time, setting the stage for her forthcoming adventure.Tous Droits Réservés
1 chapitre