Buisness Casual Romance is a dramatic romance novel centered around Ethan Blackwood, a brilliant yet emotionally distant CEO, and Soo-Jin, a driven and talented young woman working under him. Both are deeply committed to their careers, with Soo-Jin leading a crucial project at Blackwood Industries. Ethan, burdened by a rare illness and a troubled family history, keeps his distance from most people, guarding his vulnerabilities. His strict demeanor and cold personality make him seem unapproachable, but behind this mask, he is struggling with personal demons and physical limitations. Soo-Jin, on the other hand, is resourceful, independent, and determined to prove her worth, balancing her professional ambitions with her personal struggles. As they work closely together, Ethan and Soo-Jin develop a complicated relationship that begins to shift from professional to personal. Amid growing attraction, they both grapple with their own insecurities and fears. Soo-Jin's former lover, Min-ho, reemerges with obsessive intentions, fueling tension and danger, while Ethan's rivalry with Jason Kim, another CEO who is also interested in Soo-Jin, complicates matters further. As these conflicts escalate, both Ethan and Soo-Jin must confront their pasts and navigate their feelings for each other while under the weight of external pressures, personal health challenges, and emotional scars. In the end, Hearts Under Fire explores themes of love, obsession, trust, and vulnerability, as the characters battle not only external forces but their own inner turmoil.
ABHIMANYU RATHORE :- Rude , workaholic CEO of Rathore Empire .Devilesing hot , every girls drools over him .But loves his family to dearest
SAKSHI OBEROI :- Sweet but fierce girl . Loves her family very much can do anything for them . Working in her brother's company as managing head and also a board member
What happens when their marriage get fixed by their families .. will they get love in this unwilling arranged marriage...