Chaos in the Galaxy. As the Clone Wars erupt on every known planet, the Jedi Order fights to quell the Separatist attacks. The Chosen One of the Force, Anakin Skywalker, and his padawan, Ahsoka Tano, lead the battlefronts, accompanied by their legion of clone soldiers. Exhausted and consumed by the cruelty of war, both young Jedi fight valiantly side by side, but beneath the surface, something far more significant than any political conflict has been brewing: a forbidden and secret bond that, if revealed, could endanger everything they have sworn to protect. With the weight of duty and the expectations of the Jedi Order on their shoulders, silence becomes their only option. Disclaimer: All characters are over 18. This is a translated version of my fanfic under the same name. Any mispellings or mistakes will be fixed as soon as possible.