Cassandra Shimizu, driven by a deep-seated hatred for heroes, has sworn to expose the corruption within their ranks. Her animosity stems from the traumatic loss of her sister, Yumi, at the hands of a hero named Astroport, which left her disillusioned with the so-called protectors of society. She believes that heroes exploit their power and often disregard the lives they impact, especially the vulnerable.
Despite her disdain for heroes, Cassandra repeatedly finds herself crossing paths with them, often in unexpected and dangerous situations. As she navigates her conflicting feelings about heroes, Cassandra remains resolute in her quest for justice, determined to confront the system that breeds corruption and exploitation, while grappling with the notion that not all heroes are the same.
[S.A= Seyri Ai]
➡Highest rank= #1 in assassinationclassroom (11/25/19)
➡A well trained assassin that's only in her teens, she's already established a name for herself, that being "Ghost". She moves so quite the target didn't know she was moving around them until she talked, but she'll make it so that she can hide and pop out again. After a recent kill she has been called to go to Kunugigaoka, to be a undercover student who will kill Koro-sensei. See how she'll go on about in her day to day lives making new friends, and possibly a romance blooming.