In a desolate and cruel wasteland, where survival is a luxury and fear is a constant, Jake finds himself trapped in a world he doesn't understand. Captured by a group of intelligent deathclaws, his fate takes a drastic turn when, in a moment of desperation, he dares to confront his captor: Zarath, an imposing alpha deathclaw who defies all expectations. Transformed into Zarath's "pet" after a failed attempt at resistance, Jake is plunged into a new kind of prison, one where ferocity and intelligence collide. As he struggles to maintain his sanity, he must unravel the enigma that these deathclaws represent-beings as feared as they are misunderstood. Caught between primal instincts and an unexpected curiosity, Jake will discover that the line between predator and prey is blurrier than he ever imagined.All Rights Reserved
1 part