In the familiar halls of a school where they once shared a teacher-student bond, Karishma Singh and Haseena are reunited. Karishma, the composed and insightful teacher, had always known that her feelings for Haseena went beyond mentorship. Despite her deep affection, she kept her emotions hidden, bound by a marriage to another woman for reasons known only to her. Meanwhile, Haseena, as a student, had fallen for Karishma but chose to stay silent when she learned of Karishma's marriage. Years later, Haseena returns to the school, now as an intern under Karishma's mentorship. Though their paths had diverged, the unspoken love between them never truly faded. Now, faced with each other once more, they find themselves entangled in a delicate dance of unresolved emotions and undeniable attraction. As they begin to work together, Karishma and Haseena must confront the complexities of their feelings, navigate the challenges of their past, and explore the possibility of building something real. Can they finally acknowledge the love they've hidden for so long, or will their complicated circumstances keep them apart once more?
(A/N:- It is recommended to start with my story SECRET LOVE, as it forms the main story, with this story continuing as Part 2.)
Anubhav Singh- An IB agent who doesn't want to get married but to his mother's happiness, says yes to the marriage. But when he meets Haseena, he falls in love with her.
Haseena Malik-A police officer and SHO of MPT. She also does not want to get married as she never wanted to leave Ammi alone but only for her Ammi's happiness she was ready to marry Anubhav. But when she meets him for the first time, she has a new feeling inside herself.
Now, Anubhav and Haseena ready to marry for full fill their mother's wish.
So let's see what happens in their Arranged Marriage.
How they manage their marriage with their duty and responsibilities.