Minji, a world-renowned athlete, and Hanni, his beloved wife, find their love tested in unimaginable ways. After a devastating accident, Minji is left with the mind of a child, and Hanni is forced to care for him while hiding her heartbreak. As they navigate the trials of memory loss, attachment, and emotional turmoil, their bond deepens. However, when tragedy strikes again, Minji's forgotten memories slowly return, but the cost is his life hanging in the balance. This is a heart-wrenching story of love, sacrifice, and the unbreakable strength of a connection that transcends even the darkest moments. Will love be enough to pull them through the shadows of pain and loss?
And also English is not my first language
And this is my first story
And I write so short if you like my story please coments your opinion that's helps me to improve my story writing
Hanni and Minji have a little awkward but intimate moment- that shouldn't make their hearts beat so fast, right?
A short summer love story
Bbangsaz along with a bit of Daerin:)