"High School Boy" is a *manhwa* that blends *comedy*, *drama*, and *shounen-ai* elements. The story revolves around the awkward dynamics and comedic tension between a group of high school boys, as they navigate friendship, rivalry, and complicated feelings. The main plot centers on humorous and romantic misunderstandings, with exaggerated expressions and interactions adding to the charm. ------------------------------------------------------- *High School Boy* is a Korean manga (manhwa) that follows the story of Hong Il-tak, a high school student who once ruled his school as a popular and powerful figure. However, due to a personal issue and his small stature, he is now at the bottom of the social hierarchy, enduring bullying and teasing from his peers. Determined to rise in the ranks again, he sees an opportunity to improve his standing by befriending Lee Hyun-woo, a mysterious second-year student who keeps his distance from Il-tak.All Rights Reserved
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