Dameon who has always hated Alicent and her children by association gets a bit of a shock when he meets Alicent and Viserys's youngest daughter and develops feelings for her. Rhaelle grew up hearing stories about how horrible Daemon was, but there is something about him that catches her attention. Their feelings for each other create a problem and she knows no one in her family will be happy about it.
In this story Daemon is only 10 years older than Rhaenyra. Viserys and Alicent married when Rhaenyra was 8 years old. Rhaenyra married Laenor when she was 15. Harwin Strong is alive and still with Rhaenyra. Laena dies while giving birth to the twins and none of them survived. Daemon and Rhaenyra don't marry. This story will not follow the TV show or the book timeline, at least not all of it. I have no idea where this story is going. Please be aware that this is just fan fiction and not an actual book. so even if you don't like it, do not leave mean comments. There is no need for that.