Description: In a chilling, suspense-filled journey, Minji and her closest friends-Hanni, Danielle, and Haerin-are drawn into a twisted reality within a haunted house, where an ancient, malevolent spirit preys on their deepest fears. As the group faces an endless barrage of supernatural horrors, Minji, blessed with a pure heart and selfless courage, becomes the spirit's ultimate target. Knowing that only she can destroy the evil, Minji is forced to sacrifice herself to protect her friends, even when it means facing life-threatening dangers. But just as victory seems within reach, they realize the darkness hasn't entirely vanished; a shadow lingers, threatening to trap them again.
Bound by friendship, love, and their shared trauma, the four friends must uncover the spirit's origins and confront the fragments left in its wake to truly escape its sinister grasp. With each step, they come closer to unraveling secrets hidden within the darkness and the profound strength found in unity.
#bbangsaz #daerin
Danielle's life takes a sharp turn after a one-night mistake with a stranger.
Plagued by guilt, her conscience won't let her rest, especially since she's in a committed relationship. She knows she must tell the truth, even if it means risking everything.
Determined to make things right, Danielle's world becomes even more complicated when her path crosses with the stranger once again. To make matters worse, the stranger clearly wants more than just a mistake.
With her relationship at stake, Danielle must navigate the turmoil. But how can she sort everything out when she finds herself falling for the stranger?
Will she be able to save her relationship, or will that one-night mistake turn into forever after?