Chasing the Stars is a poignant Boys Love novel that follows the emotional journey of Jiro Morada, a 17-year-old boy from a wealthy family in the Philippines, who is grappling with unrequited love for his brother's best friend, Caleb Delavign. Heartbroken after realizing his feelings for Caleb may never be reciprocated, Jiro decides to channel his pain into pursuing his dream of becoming a K-pop idol.
As he leaves his hometown for South Korea to train under a prestigious K-pop agency, Jiro's life takes a thrilling turn as he discovers his passion for singing and dancing. His talent propels him into the spotlight, and he becomes part of a popular boy group, experiencing the highs of fame and the pressures that come with it.
Meanwhile, Caleb struggles with his own feelings as he watches Jiro's rise to stardom from afar. After attending Jiro's concert in the Philippines, Caleb realizes he cannot bear to be apart from him any longer. He starts to obsess over Jiro, leading to a complex web of emotions as Jiro navigates the challenges of fame and the growing intensity of Caleb's affection.
As their paths intertwine, both boys must confront their feelings and the sacrifices they are willing to make for love. Chasing the stars explores themes of ambition, heartache, and the pursuit of dreams amidst the turbulence of young love, ultimately asking whether true happiness lies in chasing one's dreams or in the relationships we hold dear.
With vibrant scenes of K-pop culture and deep emotional resonance, this novel captures the struggles and triumphs of young love, leaving readers on the edge of their seats as Jiro and Caleb navigate their intertwined destinies in the glamorous yet unforgiving world of idols.