In the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, Ron and Hermione find solace and comfort in each other, sharing moments of laughter, love, and newfound intimacy. Their bond deepens, marked by small adventures and quiet evenings at the Burrow, but challenges soon arise. Ron begins to struggle with the trauma of the war, turning to late nights and drinking as he grapples with his grief, putting strain on their relationship. Hermione tries to support him, but his emotional unavailability and a sense of betrayal push her to her limits.
As their relationship becomes strained, Hermione also focuses on a more pressing mission: finding her parents, whose memories she had wiped for their protection during the war. Her journey takes her to Australia, where she navigates the complex bureaucracy of the Ministry of Magic. Along the way, she meets Liam, a charming wizard who provides comfort and distraction from her struggles. They share moments of connection and joy, but Hermione remains committed to reuniting with her parents.
Eventually, Hermione receives a lead about her parents' location in a remote area, Kakadu National Park. As she prepares for the difficult trek into the wilderness, she reflects on the emotional toll of her journey and the strength she's gained along the way. Despite the obstacles and heartbreak, Hermione's determination never wavers as she continues to seek closure and a future filled with hope.
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For the survivors of the battle everything is finally starting to fall into place. Ron and Hermione are together, so are Harry and Ginny and Neville and Luna. Even Malfoy and Parkinson are happy, until the the ministry introduces the marriage and reproduction law. In an attempt to save magic, all of the age of 18 to 25 must abide by this law or have their magic stripped from them. Some relationships will be built upon and others will be torn apart. Either way life as they know it is about to change forever....
Mostly Dramione
25 Chapters:
Completed 24 August 2015
311 Pages