In a new city where everything feels strange and unfamiliar, eight-year-old Lola finds herself grappling with the anxieties of moving. Her vibrant imagination becomes her refuge, transforming her mundane surroundings into thrilling adventures. However, when her parents gift her a seemingly innocuous car to commemorate their move, she soon discovers it harbors a sinister secret: it has an appetite for chaos and a taste for trouble.
After witnessing the car devour two burglars in a shocking yet absurd turn of events, Lola realizes it now sees her as a threat to its dark secrets. Determined to protect herself and expose the truth, she embarks on a hilarious yet chilling journey to outsmart the car, using her quick wit and creative thinking to devise a series of imaginative traps.
As Lola battles the sinister vehicle, she confronts the adults around her, who refuse to believe her wild tales. With her fierce determination, she must prove that even a child can have the power to fight back against something as unorthodox as a malicious car. Along the way, she learns that courage often comes in the most unexpected forms, and that sometimes, it's the wildest imaginations that hold the greatest truths.