This story follows Mary Gillis, a young woman who has endured immense hardship, on her path to healing, resilience, and love within a gritty, lawless world. As a member of Dutch Van der Linde's gang, Mary wrestles with the scars of a traumatic captivity. Her defiance of Dutch's ruthless authority distances her within the gang, yet she finds solace and protection in Arthur, a seasoned outlaw whose loyalty and love provide refuge from her pain.
Mary, burdened by fears of judgment and shame, discovers dignity and security in Arthur's unwavering support. Their bond strengthens in shared vulnerability, through urgent embraces and quiet confessions, as Mary entrusts him with her fears and traumas. Arthur, in turn, pledges to protect her, driven by a guilt he believes love can absolve. As their story unfolds, Mary and Arthur come to realize that each is the other's chance at redemption in a world that may yet tear them apart.
Together, Mary and Arthur confront enemies and heal old wounds, finding resilience and hope in their turbulent life on the run. Their journey is one of deep inner healing, fierce loyalty, and trust, showing that love can be the ultimate act of survival.
"What in bloody hell?" He asked himself as there was a gaping hole swirling in the sky.
Lightning struck as Lucifer saw a bright light shooting out of the sky as he ignored people's screams around him. He hung up on Maze as he quickly got into his car as the hole was vanishing.
"What is dear old dad doing? Is he kicking someone out of Heaven?" He asked himself stepping on the peddle as he followed the light on to the beach.
He parked his car and raced down to the beach, but stopped at what he saw as his eyes widened in disbelief. A girl he knew all to well was laying on the beach with her wings spread out and sand all over her hair and face. He realizes that her wings are going from White to black as his eyes widened even more.
"Impossible," he says running to her as other beach goers were going towards her and some taking pictures.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Lucifer shouted eyes growing red as the crowd screamed and ran from him.
#1 in Lucifer MorningStar as of 04/14/2020
#24 in Lucifer as of 04/14/2020