Who would've thought that after 2048 years the latest descendant of Krushen Celestial would've appear and stun everyone with unreal capacities. In a school now drowned in elitism this appearance will spark fights, drama and chaos in Lyrenvale Academy, a school which wizards and witches, sorcerers and sorceresses, enchanters and enchantresses, invokers and every kind of magic user has a place in. Of course, only if they are the best and if they can surpass the 7 elemental clans: The Shadowweavers, Pyrestone, Frosveil, Earthwardens, Tempest, Bloodestone. These clans formed long before the oldest stars were born and evolved to where they are now. Even though the 7 elemental clans fought together against Thinisius, the animosity between them has never ended - not at war, in this new generation, they fight for reputation and social dominance - what else would you expect from young adults?
5 parts