In a world filled with supernatural powers, Issei Hyoudou stumbles upon an ancient energy long forgotten-the Chi Dragon's essence. Unlike any other dragon, the Chi Dragon embodies the life force itself, a balance between growth and decay. When Issei accidentally awakens this mysterious power, he discovers the ability to heal, nurture, and protect. But this power is a double-edged sword; he can either restore life or drain it entirely.
As whispers of the Chi Dragon spread through the supernatural realms, old and powerful enemies arise, eager to claim this ancient force for themselves. Now, Issei must master his new powers and protect his friends and the delicate balance of life. Through fierce battles and inner struggles, he learns the true meaning of harmony, sacrifice, and resilience, stepping into the legendary role of the Chi Dragon-a protector revered and feared by all.
In this thrilling adventure, Issei becomes more than just a hero; he becomes a guardian of life itself.