One day there was a Flee.
"Mom! I want to be a fairy!" Said the flee.
"Oh Flee, your just a Flee, nothing but a flee." Replied the mother.
"But mom, I have wings! All I need is a tutu and some fairy like things" Cried Flee.
"Oh Flee,your just a Flee,nothing but a Flee" She said and flies away.
But Flee didn't want to be a flee, he wanted to be a fairy! So he went to his dad.
"Dad! I want to be a fairy!" Said Flee.
" Oh Flee, your just a flee,nothing but a flee" said his dad.
"But dad! Tinkerbell is a fairy, and she came from a dandelion!" Flee whines.
"But Flee, Tinkerbell has Pixie Dust! And Flees don't have Pixie Dust."
Flee fly's away, and thinks:I can be a fairy on my own! Flee rushes out their little Flee home and flies around their little Flee town. Flee starts to feel weird and weak. He soon remembers that Flees only live for a day! Flee also remembers that hiss mom and dad are his same age. He shakes his head to get the image out,but looses track and crashes into a wall.