In a bustling urban area, Maxwell Carter or "Max" for short is an unassuming teenager who dreams of a life filled with adventure, but is stuck in the monotony of a normal existence. He attends an ordinary high school, living amongst the trivialities of homework, friendships, and the occasional crush. Despite his yearning for something extraordinary, Max has always accepted that he's just an average guy - no powers, no quirks, nothing fantastical. That is, until one fateful day changes everything.
As Max walks to school on the first day of his freshmen year, he is preoccupied with his thoughts of fitting in and making friends. Suddenly, he stumbles upon a gigantic pothole on the sidewalk. As he falls, a strange whirlwind envelops him, pulling him through a rift in reality, transporting him to a mysterious school floating in the ether between universes.
This school, known as the "Nexus Academy," is a convergence point where students from various dimensions with incredible abilities - "Ultimates" "Chakra" "Quirks," "Sacred Gears," "Semblances," "Ki," and "Magic" - gather to hone their skills. Max finds himself surrounded by vibrant, dynamic characters he only knows from fiction:Devils from DXD,Huntsmen and Huntresses from RWBY,Shinobi from Senran Kagura,heroes from My Hero Academia,Witches from Little Witch Academia,Mages from Fairy Tail,Ultimates from Danganronpa and Warriors from Dragon Ball, among others.
*inspired by "The Next Generation (BNHA X DxD X RWBY X Male Saiyan Reader)" By @LavenderBlitz*
A Mature content 21 + 🔞 smut part also add please watch on your risk
yn a soft hearted girl who have little space syndrome
jungkook a badboy and a rich brat and a Playboy use girls for pleasure
let's see what will happen
This is my imagination story