In this story of the Multiverse, an AU version of Universa Multi-Darkrise who takes on the human form of Sarah McCoy, is on a mission to save the Multiverse. She uses the Chaos Emeralds to collect heroes from around the Multiverse to help her on her journey. A new powerful evil threat plans to turn the Multiverse into it's empire and make everyone who lives in it it's slaves. Universa will stop at nothing until this evil has suffered the consequences and die for the things it has done. But when Universa discovers who this pure evil is, she might not be the last of her kind and find out who she really is and what destiny she is meant to take on. As Universa, Sonic The Hedgehog, Mega Man, Sash Lilac, Spyro The Dragon, Rayman, Optimus Prime, Shantae, Evil The Sackboy, She-Ra and Sailor Moon take on the evil that is threatening the Multiverse, the team bonds with a friendship that could possibly never fade. The fate of Universa's home lies in her hands, as well as the original one from Galaxia and the Rise of the Megaverse. There are also more women like Universa and you will learn about them in the end.