In the aftermath of heartbreak, Gabriella immerses herself in work, diving into roles and stories, fragments of her past with Gracie still haunt her, lyrics, whispered words, and memories that refuse to fade.
Gracie Abrams has built her own walls, too. Fame brought her everything she thought she wanted, yet something is missing. The life she's crafted feels incomplete, and Gabriella is still the ghost in every song she writes. as they find themselves unexpectedly crossing paths, they're forced to confront the love they thought they'd left behind.
Gracie Abrams x femoc
Porsche comes back home after two years in America.
He goes back to school but encounters the egocentric Kinn, the cousin of a friend whom he met in America.
Kinn becomes interested in Porsche's past, what does he have to hide, and why is he so hostile towards Kinn?