This story takes place in 2017, Nashville, Tennessee. The characters that will be introduced would mostly be 5th graders, along with their siblings, parents, cousins, or friends that are in different grades or schools. The elementary and middle school are connected, while the high school is just right beside it. In fact, you're not just reading about their school life, you also get to look into their life out of school! Which means there will be more drama and chaos because they have to follow the rules and they can catch you with the cameras (fighting, cheating, stealing, vaping, etc). But when the school day is done, Everyone's free so y'all can do whatever! (Unless you or someone gets caught and gets some sort of punishment, depending on the parents actions) Also, there will be some more information in the first page. THIS MIGHT CONTAIN: Racist jokes, Bullying, Cussing, Hurtful jokes, Blood, Fights, and types of childhood trauma.