Julian Sebastian Reyes, the youngest son of the prestigious Reyes Clan, faces the unique challenge of being able to get pregnant. After a night of passion at a birthday party leads to an unexpected pregnancy, Julian finds himself navigating the complexities of single parenthood. He raises his son, Kairos, with the support of his protective family, but struggles with the identity of Kairos's father.
Three years later, Julian meets Alejandro "Alex" De Guzman, a charismatic business tycoon and partner of his brother, Matt. An undeniable attraction blooms between them, but Alex feels a strange familiarity with Kairos that complicates their budding romance. As Julian grapples with his feelings and the secret of his past, he and Alex embark on a journey of love, trust, and self-discovery.
In this heartfelt tale, Julian learns that family is not only about blood but also about the connections forged through love and commitment. "Behind the Stars" is a poignant exploration of acceptance, resilience, and the beauty of unconventional relationships.