I got bored.
When the Raptures invade Earth, mankind created super soldiers, bascially cyborgs, using Goddesium known as Nikke. Most Nikkes are made by the Big Three, but there's another company, a company known as Alter Intelligent Corp, also known as A.I.C, a company that rather than using Nikkes, this company goes with armors and cyborgs, or more precisely, a project known as Rider.
This project unlike others, create armors to strengthen the users to a superhuman level, that on par with the Nikkes, along with cyborgs, both having transformation belts.
No one really knows about this company's president. But what they do know is that, this company
has it's employees who are normal humans, which means anyone can wear the armors, and anyone can be cyborgs.
Two projects clash against each other, some say this is better and vice-versa. But ultimately, the president of this company has other things he needs to do...