Inspired by the TV show Rab Se Hai Dua, this story follows Ibadat-a fierce, self-respecting young woman who isn't afraid to stand up for herself and fight for what's right. Ibadat longs for the love and acceptance of her mother, Dua, who has been distant because of painful memories tied to Gazal. Despite Dua's initial indifference, Ibadat finds warmth and support from her grandmother Hamida and Ravi Chachu, who shower her with boundless love. But as circumstances change, so does Dua's heart, and she finally embraces Ibadat as her daughter, forging a bond even stronger than the one she shares with her other daughter, Mannat.
Yet, Ibadat's trials are far from over. At Dua's wish, she marries Subhan, hoping for a fresh start. But soon, Mannat's interference creates misunderstandings, pushing Subhan to betray Ibadat and consider leaving her for his first love, Mannat. Refusing to be a victim, Ibadat stands her ground, determined to claim her place in Subhan's life and reveal Mannat's true face to those around her. Alongside her are Hamida, Heena, Dua, and Ravi Chachu, unwavering in their support.
Will Ibadat's strength and resilience be enough to overcome the odds stacked against her? Join Ibadat on her journey of love, betrayal, and self-discovery in Against All Odds.
"Kyu? I had protected you from everything all my life but who will protect you from me." He voice was so low she wouldn't have heard him had he not been this close. But his words froze her. She looked at him in horror. He won't do anything like that, will he? He can't deliberately hurt her. He can't. He bent his head towards her. She closed her eyes tightly to block him from her mind and prayed that she would just disappear from this earth.
Merab is an innocent, lovely girl who has a big crush on her cousin Murtasim. Murtasim's mother also wants them to get married but Murtasim doesn't want this.
Can Merab get over this rejection or her deewangi will land her in worst circumstances.
Let's see how both of them will learn the true meaning of love, self respect and sacrifices through their journey.